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About this Course HTML and CSS Are the Tools You Need to Build a Website Coding for beginners might seem hard. However, starting with the basics is a great way.
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Web Development
Web Development with JavaScript and Node.js
Web Development with JavaScript and Node.js
Module 1: JavaScript Fundamentals
Introduction to JavaScript – History and Importance
16 hours
Setting up a JavaScript Development Environment
16 hours
Variables, Data Types, and Basic Operators
16 hours
Conditional Statements: If, Else, and Switch
16 hours
Loops: For, While, and Do-While
16 hours
Functions: Declaration, Expressions, and Arrow Functions
16 hours
Objects and Arrays: Basics
16 hours
Event Handling in JavaScript
16 hours
Error Handling and Debugging
16 hours
Closures and Scopes
16 hours
Module 2: Asynchronous JavaScript
Understanding Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Programming
16 hours
Callbacks: Handling Asynchronous Operations
16 hours
Promises: A Better Way to Handle Asynchrony
16 hours
Async/Await: Modern Asynchronous Code
16 hours
Working with AJAX and Fetch API
16 hours
Timers: SetTimeout and SetInterval
16 hours
Handling Multiple Promises with Promise.all()
16 hours
Error Handling in Asynchronous Code
16 hours
Introduction to WebSockets
16 hours
Asynchronous Iterators and Generators
16 hours
Module 3: Working with the Document Object Model (DOM)
Introduction to the DOM: What is it?
16 hours
Selecting and Manipulating Elements
16 hours
Creating and Removing Elements
16 hours
Traversing the DOM: Parents, Children, and Siblings
16 hours
Working with Attributes and Classes
16 hours
Handling DOM Events: Listeners and Event Objects
16 hours
Form Handling and Validation
16 hours
Using Data Attributes and Custom Properties
16 hours
Effects and Animations
16 hours
Best Practices for DOM Manipulation
16 hours
Module 4: Introduction to Node.js
What is Node.js? An Overview
16 hours
Setting up Node.js: Installation and Environment
16 hours
Understanding the Node.js Event Loop
16 hours
Modules and NPM: Node.js Ecosystem
16 hours
Working with File System in Node.js
16 hours
Streams and Buffers
16 hours
Handling HTTP Requests with Node.js
16 hours
Building a Basic HTTP Server
16 hours
Introduction to the Node Package Manager (NPM)
16 hours
Debugging Node.js Applications
16 hours
Module 5: Building Web Applications with Express.js
Introduction to Express.js
16 hours
Setting up an Express Application
16 hours
Routes and Middleware
16 hours
Working with Templates and Views
16 hours
Handling Forms and File Uploads
16 hours
Databases Integration with Express
16 hours
User Authentication and Sessions
16 hours
Error Handling and Debugging in Express
16 hours
Securing Express Applications
16 hours
Deploying Express Applications
16 hours
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